Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Ahhh! So this new year is really working out for me so far! As you can tell by this title, I got a job. This was one of the things I wanted to do before the end of 2015. It all happened so fast I still can't believe it. I am a full time college student so I aside from teaching piano and teaching Sunday school I have never had a job. I have been wanting to get one lately so to start I called some places around my local outdoor shopping center last Saturday. I was about to give up when I called this little children's clothing store and the girl on the phone informed me that they were indeed hiring. So I decided to drive down to the store that day since it wasn't that far of a drive. I walked in and immediately felt like this would be the perfect place for me to work. As I was filling out the application I was talking with one of the girls working and come to find out she was the owner's daughter/ the manager. She gave me an interview on the spot and then asked me to come back the following day to speak with another person. I walk in on Sunday have what was another fun and stress free conversation/interview then was told that the manager would contact me. Monday passed and I heard nothing so me being the worrier that I am started to worry that I had over talked and/or said some things that made me look and sound stupid. Tuesday I sat around willing my phone to go off all day and when 7:00 pm finally hit I figured I wouldn't hear anything that day, but to my surprise at nearly 8 I got a phone call and was offered the job and now I start on Thursday! Words can't express how excited I am to work for this store! I know that there are going to be bad days because some people don't know how to treat other humans but I am ready for the challenge.

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